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Car accidents are not very fun to think about in the best of circumstances. This is especially true when they result in substantial bodily injury like a whiplash. You naturally want to pursue a settlement against the at-fault driver. You will need to hire a personal injury lawyer in Los Banos. You will also want to read this article for information that may affect your final settlement amount.

It is a fact that the types of injuries sustained determine your final settlement value. Though intangible, pain and suffering are a major part of bodily injury. Therefore, it plays a key role in determining the value of your final settlement. Your personal injury lawyer will inform you of this. Insurance adjusters assign a higher multiplying factor to more significant injuries because of their severity.

Soft vs. Hard tissue injuries

Personal injury lawyers in Lompoc know about soft vs. hard tissue injuries. Sustained injuries that only involve muscle and connective tissue are called soft tissue injuries. A sprained back is a good example of this. The description of the pain and suffering/discomfort you have endured serves as sufficient evidence for soft tissue injuries. Hard injuries, on the other hand, are diagnosed through extensive medical exams and evaluations.

Soft tissue injuries

Insurance companies believe that soft tissue injuries are not as severe as hard tissue injuries. Their adjusters assign a lower multiplier value to them for this reason. Adjusters assume that these injuries are only temporary and would be hard to definitely prove in court.

Hard tissue injuries

These are assigned a higher multiplier value because insurance companies assume them to be more severe. Personal injury lawyers know that many categories of hard tissue injuries exist:

● Broken bones – you’ll get a higher settlement value if you have even a hairpin crack in a bone.
● Head injuries – your settlement will be higher if you can prove that you have suffered from a concussion.
● Separations, dislocations or ligament and cartilage tears – you’ll get more money for a joint dislocation because insurance companies assume that this is a serious injury.
● Wounds – any wounds requiring medical treatment increase your settlement amount. This is the case even if the wound only needed dressing to heal.
● Spinal disc or vertebrate injury – your final settlement amount will increase if you can prove through x-rays or other images in your medical records that you have hurt one of your spinal discs or a part of your vertebrae!

You need legal counsel to win your case

The formulas and processes for determining settlement amounts for different types of injuries is not as clear cut or simple as it appears to be. You will need to hire a good personal injury lawyer to help you navigate through jargon and definitions for different types of bodily injuries if you want to win your settlement either in or out of court!